Alcohol and Other Drugs:
Psychopharmacology and Substance-Related Disorders
Speaker: Carl M. Dawson, M.S., MAC, LPC, Q-SAP

Friday, March 21, 2025
UA Little Rock Bowen School of Law
6.0 CLE Hours – $200.00

Program Planners:
James W. (Jim) Wyatt & Betty J. Hardy
Montgomery Wyatt Hardy, PLC


Any attorney who has drugs and/or alcohol as an issue in a case or who has drugs and/or alcohol influence the behavior of a client, the opposing party or witnesses will benefit from hearing this presentation. It will answer so many questions about a person’s behavior and why they do the things they do or say the things they say. Carl Dawson presents this scientific and behavioral information in a down-to-earth, easy to understand, and relatable manner. He engages the audience and holds everyone’s attention throughout the entire presentation.


“Carl Dawson is a dynamic speaker who encourages interaction with the audience. If you have cases involving drugs and/or alcohol or any other substance-related disorders, you do not want to miss this presentation.”
Jim Wyatt, Montgomery Wyatt Hardy, PLC

“I watched Mr. Dawson’s presentation a few months ago and was amazed at how relatable and beneficial the information he presented was for my family law cases. Anyone who practices family law cannot afford to miss this presentation. It will give you so much insight on how to try a case when there are issues involving drugs and/or alcohol. I cannot wait to watch his presentation again. Yes, it was that good.”
Betty Hardy, Montgomery Wyatt Hardy, PLC

Alcohol and Other Drugs:
Psychopharmacology and Substance-Related Disorders


8:00 – 8:30 AM Registration/Coffee and Refreshments

8:30 – 10:00 AM
● Psychopharm and the Review of Alcohol and Designer Drugs
● Adolescence and Substance Use Disorders
● Substance Abuse Relapse: Prevention Signs, Symptoms & Its Impact on the Family

10:00 – 10:15 AM BREAK

10:15 – 11:45 AM
● Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, Cocaine and Other Stimulants
● Psychopharm and Prescription Drug Abuse
● Up to Date Information on Marijuana: Fact and Fiction

11:45 – 1:00 PM LUNCH (ON YOUR OWN)

1:00 – 2:30 PM
● Psychopathological and Physiological Disease States – Alcohol and Other Drugs of Abuse
● Individual Complex Trauma: Treating Co-Dependency and Narcissism

2:30 – 2:45 PM BREAK

2:45 – 4:15 PM
● PTSD and Head Trauma Associated with the Drug User
● Review of “Substance Use and Addictive Disorders” and the DSM (5th.ed)
● The Trauma-Informed Court

Alcohol and Other Drugs CLE

General Information

Registration Fee: The registration fee of $200 each includes the seminar, electronic course materials, and breaks.

How to Register: Payment accepted by Credit Card Only: Please use the “Click Here To Register” button below. If you have questions, please contact Carol at the PCBA office at (501) 529-1826.

Accommodating Special Needs: If you require special assistance relating to a disability, please contact Carol King at the PCBA office at (501) 529-1826 prior to the seminar.

CLE Approval: This program has been approved for six (6) hours.

If you are not completely satisfied after attending this seminar, we will refund 100% of the course tuition paid.